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Meet the Founder
The founder and director of Breaking the Silence Raj Holness (Jarrett), suffered
years of domestic abuse at the hands of her family and then later on by ex-
For over 8 years she has travelled around the country speaking at over 200 organisations, highlighting the cause of domestic abuse on not only the victim but also on those close to them. Over the last year she has spoken to over 1000’s of women, men and young people on her experiences of domestic abuse and forced marriage and how she managed to escape.
Her ongoing support, encouragement and contacts have helped many to leave their volatile life and get help. Out of this, Breaking the Silence was born.
What is Breaking the Silence
Breaking the Silence is a social enterprise set up a year ago to raise awareness of issues around domestic abuse, forced marriages and human (sex) trafficking.
We deliver:
• Innovative training workshops
• Social events
• Theatre
• Media productions
We organise & run training workshops, corporate evenings and conferences for individuals
and organisations.
We also put on theatre productions highlighting the issues for
the general public and educational institutions.
Our aim is…
* To provide services to the community in order that they learn practical ways to
deal with this ever
growing issue.
* Equip people from all walks of life with tools to make positive and informed life choices;
* Empower and encourage potential victims to break the cycle of intimidation and seek help;
* Equip communities with tools to recognise and respond to signs of abuse
To do this we offer different services:
• Raising awareness workshops
• Theatre
• Events
• Media
We run innovative workshops in which we will deliver to schools, businesses and community and faith organisations to highlight these issues. We have created and produced a brand new 'training tool' which will support while training young people, children and professionals in a way that will capture their imagination which has a 2 fold purpose.
1. To empower them so that they can prevent themselves becoming abused and abusers.
2. Ensure that they do not remain silent if they encounter any of these situations
Book Extract…
”Suddenly without warning Dad just ran at me and grabbed my hair.
He pulled me down off one of the chairs and I landed hard on the floor on my back.
I tried desperately to get him to let go of my hair, but he just held on tighter
and kicked me in the ribs…
Read More…
Breaking the Silence (BTSUK) Ltd is a social enterprise registered in England and Wales.
Company Number: 08623300
Trademark: Breaking the Silence
© 2014 Breaking the Silence (btsuk) Ltd